Wednesday, August 19, 2020


FRANÇAIS app de traduction à gauche

Free Country is an atmospheric remake of the Alberto Rodríguez 2014 thriller Marshland but this one is set in post reunification of  Germany in the late 80s. In this version its Christian Alvart who reworks the complex script and raises parallels with fascist Spain and defeated Germany.

The movie opens to a somber soundtrack with a steady beat as the camera zooms over an autumnal desolate landscape. The crime to be investigated, the torture and murder of two teenage girls, occurs on what was the Soviet side. Poverty and hopelessness is everywhere which provides the killer with ample preys in the form of young girls who want better lives.

Two out-of-town detectives, Patrick Stein (Trystan Pütter) and Markus Bach (an unforgettable Felix Kramer) are in charge of the investigation amid political turmoil. Patrick is a well known detective with a brilliant reputation while Markus has a dubious reputation as a bully. Twists and turns keep us on the edge of our seat until the final denouement where reality slaps Patrick in the face one more time.

This film is On Demand so you can watch it whenever you want during the festival.


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