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Since August 10 you can see the fascinating documentary movie
The Most Unknown on
NETFLIX. It is presented as an experiment. In the movie, we meet nine scientists from world renowned institutions who reveal both the questions that motivate them and the answers science has given them so far. I enjoyed the movie very much and I really liked the featured scientists.
The questions they formulate are the same questions I ask myself as a
transdisciplinary artist. The difference between my research and theirs is that I get startling evidence from my experiments. My "triumph" ends there because my evidence does not fit the current standard demanded by the world renowned institutions that have hired the scientists who do not provide that much evidence, mostly they have well formulated hypothesis. So I will pit their hypothesis to the featured
Emerge Art The Woman on the train.
An Emerge Art sequence taken October 29 2017. I call it The Woman On The Train because I have the impression the beautiful face that appears in the shade is looking out the window of a vehicle in motion. This sequence is uninterrupted and illustrates the magic at work that draws the face. We see the installation, the evolution from abstract to coherence to dissolution. © Lena Ghio, 2018 |
The first question of interest is asked by
David D'Angelo, PhD, physicist at
Università degli Studi di Milano.
What is Dark Matter? It is a fascinating question because millions of dollars are invested in the research to find and describe dark matter. So far, it is only a hypothesis.
No one invests in Emerge Art, a practice inspired by the ancient and universal art of scrying that I began experimenting after having made some stunning photographs of water creating totally unexplainable images. Scientists wonder if atoms of dark matter fill outer space. I wonder what is the force in water that behaves so creatively as to produce a stunning and coherent human portrait? Everybody dismisses the question because in our era, it has been universally accepted that water DOES NOT draw human faces. The contemporary brain edits its rational explanation from cited scientific sources to justify why this cannot be real. BUT institutions get millions in funds to find dark matter that is, at this point, only a hypothesis and that is "smart".
This is the most coherent image of the mysterious traveler. I have filtered it to make it lighter so you can see how incredible she is. The original is dark but the beautiful face can still be seen. The face is not a refraction or reflection from an image in my living room. It is an autonomous phenomena I have photographed. © Lena Ghio, 2018 |
Next we meet
Axel Cleeremans, PhD, cognitive psychologist at
Université libre de Bruxelles. He asks the age old question:
What IS consciousness? He is visited by
David D'Angelo who becomes an excited and willing subject in the current exploration by Cleeremans. For example, one test is about making a robotic hand move by the subjects brain. Fascinating!
Emerge Art, water, gives us another clue about What IS consciousness? in that it responds to the installations that I place around the bowl of water with sentience and coherence. Men, since the beginning of thought have always taken it for granted that ONLY THEY were endowed with intelligence. Human females are still not recognized as having intelligence in some parts of the world today! So this leaves contemporary science unable to even conceive that consciousness, intelligence, may exist outside the confines of the human brain! Emerge Art suggests consciousness does exist outside the human brain. I ask myself: What if our brains are magnificent receptors and translators of consciousness instead of the cause of it?
A still collage of the above process. Click on the images or gifs above to see the amazing details. © Lena Ghio, 2018 |
Then we meet
Dr. Luke McKay, PhD, astrobiologist at
Montana University. He asks the other timeless question:
Are we alone in the universe? Although
Emerge Art has not given an image response to this question, it suggests that there is a force at large that creates. We can document it in water as in
Emerge Art. I ask:
does this creative force permeate the universe?
What role does it play, or did it play, in the origins of life? What we do know for sure is that
all the life that we are aware of on earth depends on water to exist.
Finally I conclude my debate with the work of
Jun Ye, PhD, physicist at
University of Colorado-Boulder and the
National Institute of Standards and Technology. He talks about quantum physics, Einstein's theory of relativity, and the most refined clocks being developed at this time. In quantum physics atoms can be observed as being either a wave or a particle. I ask:
What are we looking at in this complex phenomenon occurring in water, waves, particles or that place where the atom shifts from one form to the other?
I hope you will take time to see this excellent film playing now on NETFLIX.