Monday, May 30, 2022

Montreal Magic!

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What a magical week this has been in Montreal! Le Quartier des Spectacles de Montréal has launched newly decorated sites ready for summer in the city. These sites will host many cultural events and performances like the  HOLOSCENES featured in the video above that I snapped during the press conference at l'Esplanade Tranquille

MAY 25, 2022 TO MAY 29, 2022


Then there was the opening at Jardins Gamelin a few seconds of which I snapped in the video below. It is a nice place in the city to be with friends, outside in the trees and summer air. There is a restaurant, bar service and entertainment.  Montreal's mayor, Madame Valérie Plante has successfully implemented a strategy to allow Montrealers to experience summer in the city with beautiful accommodations surrounded by art and nature. I swear to you! I was walking in the downtown core and I was breathing in fresh air! It is magical! I could feel the mystical essence and spirit of my home city once agin! To accommodate people with cars, the parking is free in the city all weekend starting Fridays but the Mayor asks you to please take public transit to maintain the air quality.


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