The Pope, Emerge Art™ January 12, 2023 / © LENA GHIO |
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Since 2013 I have been producing Emerge Art which consists of photographing the ancient art of scrying with water. Although scrying has been discredited by science, I produce constant evidence that there is indeed something to this ancient art that was so commonly practiced that te religious leaders of the past condemned it as the work of the devil.
My success at scrying makes it one of the most important gifts I got from the Universe. As this new year began, I did several days of Emerge Art with this question to water:
Dearest Spirit,
Guide me on how to best use Emerge Art.
Thank You
Lena Ghio
One of the images that manifested reminds me so much of Pope Francis, it is the image attached here.
The Pope, Emerge Art™ January 12, 2023 / © LENA GHIO detail |
My interpretation of the manifestation of this particular subject concerns
the power of prayer.
Emerge Art is a simple example of the power of words and art and prayers. It is also a modest manifestation of what modern culture has dubbed
The Force or magic because in Emerge Art we see light
transforming into visual information. E = MC 2.
The Pope in this Emerge Art should inspire all people, regardless of their preferred religion, to pray in total faith, absolute trust that GOD will act and answer our prayers to bring Peace on Earth and heal our planet. THIS we can all do. Politics cannot move the Healing Force of God, our united prayers will. US, HUMANITY, can stand together before the great mystery and move it into a powerful HEALING.
Below, a few links about the words of Pope Francis and a definition of his role in the catholic church.
« In conclusion, the Pope underlined how the Word of God "transforms an ordinary day into the today in which God speaks to us," encouraging everyone to keep a Gospel within reach, and to calmly read and re-read a small passage every day.Jan 23, 2022 Pope at Angelus: Be transformed by the Word of God - Vatican (source) What is the relationship between the pope and God?
The papacy is an additional source of authority for Catholics. While many Catholics often turn to the Bible for guidance, they are also able to turn to the teachings of the pope. The pope is important as he represents a direct line back to Jesus . In this sense, Catholics see Jesus as being present in the papacy.
The Pope and the role of the papacy - GCSE Religious Studies Revision (source) »
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