Friday, June 7, 2024

BIENNALE ELEKTRA 7th International Digital Art Biennial — ILLUSION At Arsenal Contemporary Art 05.31.2024 – 07.21.2024

Below, a few seconds from the stunning interactive work Voice Scroll by David Rokeby. The images manifest in tandem to the words you communicate into the microphone. I was mesmerized! 

FRANÇAIS app de traduction à gauche

Entering the realm of the digital arts is akin to navigating through a hall of mirrors, each reflection distorting reality in its unique way. The 7th edition of Biennale ELEKTRA, presented by ELEKTRA since 2012, emerges as a beacon illuminating the multifaceted nature of truth in an era dominated by post-factual narratives and alternative realities. Held at the Arsenal Contemporary Art Montreal, this exhibition ventures into the depths of illusion, challenging visitors to confront the slippery slopes of perception and authenticity.

Curated by the visionary Alain Thibault, the Biennale plunges into the tumultuous waters of our digital age, where the proliferation of artificial intelligence and the advent of deep fakes blur the boundaries between fact and fiction. The thematic focus on "ILLUSION" serves as a poignant reminder of the precariousness of truth in a landscape inundated with digital manipulations and virtual constructs.

Artist Chun Hua Catherine Dong explaining how to use your phone to get the augmented reality experience of her luxurious series Skin Deep Photo © LENA GHIO 

Thibault's selection of over thirty artists from three continents demonstrates a concerted effort to dissect the intricate layers of contemporary society's relationship with truth. Through a diverse array of mediums and techniques, these artists embark on a journey through speculative fiction, probing the very essence of reality and its subjective interpretations. From the ephemeral to the invisible, the exhibited works challenge conventional notions of materiality, urging viewers to question the veracity of their perceptions.

Louis-Philippe Rondeau with 
Veillance 2 
 Photo © LENA GHIO 

Among the luminaries featured in this exhibition, artists such as Adad Hannah, Boris Eldagsen, and Shu Lea Cheang captivate audiences with their innovative explorations of the illusory nature of reality. Adad Hannah's immersive installations beckon viewers into surreal landscapes, blurring the boundaries between the tangible and the intangible. Meanwhile, Boris Eldagsen's provocative photography delves into the depths of the subconscious, unveiling hidden truths lurking beneath the surface of perception. Shu Lea Cheang pushes the boundaries of digital storytelling, weaving narratives that transcend the constraints of time and space.

One of the most striking aspects of the Biennale ELEKTRA is its ability to foster a dialogue between art and technology, challenging traditional paradigms and embracing the fluidity of the digital medium. Through interactive installations and multimedia experiences, artists such as David Rokeby and Collectif Obvious invite viewers to actively engage with the artworks, blurring the boundaries between observer and observed.

However, amidst the spectacle and innovation, the Biennale also confronts viewers with uncomfortable truths about the darker implications of our increasingly digitized world. Works such as Chun Hua Catherine Dong's poignant explorations of surveillance culture and Louis-Philippe Demers' unsettling reflections on the dehumanizing effects of technology serve as sobering reminders of the ethical dilemmas that accompany technological progress.

In conclusion, the 7th Biennale ELEKTRA stands as a testament to the transformative power of art in an age defined by uncertainty and illusion. By interrogating the shifting sands of truth in our digital landscape, this exhibition challenges viewers to confront their own perceptions and assumptions, inviting them to embark on a journey through the labyrinthine corridors of the human psyche. As we navigate the ever-changing terrain of the digital age, the Biennale ELEKTRA serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards a deeper understanding of the complexities of our shared reality.

For information: HERE

All artists + BIO : HERE

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