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Emerge Art does Google, May 6, 2019 © Lena Ghio, 2019
The challenge is to use art with the time of celestial mechanics to channel the healing force of the universe into the heart of Earth.
Let me explain...
• Our ancestors were very preoccupied with maintaining a good
relationship with the hidden forces of nature. The universal symbol of
this sacred task is the pentagram ✰.
This symbol represents their mindset perfectly. The meaning of the
pentagram is one branch each for water, fire, air, earth and one for the
Spirit that keeps them balanced. It is also the symbol of Human.
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Pointe aux Anglais
April 28 2019 © Lena Ghio, 2019
• I am completing and publishing this article from May 14, 2019 as Mercury in Taurus is approaching the exact Biquintile to Jupiter in Sagittarius for a drop on May 15, 2019 at 11:54 AM EDT when the aspect is in force and augmented by the Moon in Libra ruled by Venus in her own home Taurus that rules over our gardens and insures the blossoming of what we cultivate. I took the images of the flooded homes in the last days of April 2019 as we collectively see the effects of global warming there where we live. These lovely homes belong to neighbors that live very close to our family's home. When I developed my strategy for How to Master The Stars in 1993, I wanted every element of the astrological symbolism that impacts our human experience and understanding of the world to be accounted for in our contemporary context where there is overpopulation, dramatic climate challenges that threaten life on Earth and revolutionary technology. I concluded that the planet Mercury should represent the Human Mass, in other words the combined effect on our planet of all of us as one. I publish this article in a moment where Mercury as representative of Human is very powerful. As our technology allows us to stretch in outer space it is sensible to accept that we do have an effect on gravitational modulations throughout our solar system even if it is minimal. As I synthesize the actions I took for the Art Challenge for Climate Change and list new planetary configurations you can work with I will share this excerpt from the book How to Master The Stars:
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Pointe aux Anglais
« The next expansion of the rulers of the zodiac is tentative. Its purpose is to integrate the forces of humanity, the Earth and the Spirit into our understanding of the solar system through astrology. Human [1] as in the human mass, should rule the sign Virgo and the sixth house of the zodiac. It is the human race which is the terrestrial vehicle of the celestial function of Virgo: daily labor, agriculture, health maintenance and cleanliness. The traditional rulership of Mercury on Virgo means that the actions of Human begin in his thoughts and in his imagination, the domains of Mercury. Also that the rulership of Human on Virgo will be activated by the transits of Mercury or by the transits of other planets to the native Mercury. As we approach the Aquarian Age the mental functions of Human will be exalted as they are with Mercury in Aquarius. Exalted Mercury in Aquarius is the symbol of a cosmic consciousness that creates in the human itself an ability to reason that is inspired by the highest intelligence in the universe. Our ability to communicate will increase gradually through the New Age. Human will become more and more in contact with his Higher Self and will develop new talents to solve problems based on a thorough understanding of the laws and forces that govern the universe and especially how they affect his daily life.
Jupiter rules Sagittarius and the ninth house. Our metaphysical thoughts will take a codified form to be perpetuated and shared between the peoples of the Earth and, perhaps, with those of other worlds. ( Interestingly our technology has evolved light years since the year I wrote this. ) The Spirit speaks to us through our cultures, traditions and values. We learn from other cultures how the Spirit speaks to them and we extend our horizons and our perceptions. In return, this regularizes our behavior towards each one to reflect the joy and the optimism of our own spirit which is manifested in movement and thought.
Earth should rule Capricorn [2]. It is the home of Human, the place where his seeds will grow, the place where his actions will make sense. Capricorn represents the time of winter where living conditions challenge us. Our planet is a magical world. Earth gives Human the power and the resources needed to be fulfilled in the cosmos. For us, power begins on Earth, without it we do not exist. From as far back as knowledge goes, Earth appears to be the only planet that has nurtured a curious intelligence capable of crossing the entire solar system to understand its existence! The etheric force of our planet is one of our greatest resources for health and happiness. The force of the Earth can protect us from planetary influxes or overpower us to be even more open to positive influences. The power of the Earth as ruler of Capricorn will be integrated into your mastery of the stars through the influence of Saturn and its position in your natal chart. At the same time that Saturn becomes the ruler of Libra, a new understanding emerges in the functions of Capricorn's time. This is the time when humans must have confidence in their harvest, a time when they realize that their efforts for the common good are the true foundations of society. It is then that Human must balance his inner world and his outside world to establish a harmonious current that will sustain him during hard times and that will help him regain his momentum to begin a new cycle when spring arrives. »
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Pointe aux Anglais
Jupiter rules Sagittarius and the ninth house. Our metaphysical thoughts will take a codified form to be perpetuated and shared between the peoples of the Earth and, perhaps, with those of other worlds. ( Interestingly our technology has evolved light years since the year I wrote this. ) The Spirit speaks to us through our cultures, traditions and values. We learn from other cultures how the Spirit speaks to them and we extend our horizons and our perceptions. In return, this regularizes our behavior towards each one to reflect the joy and the optimism of our own spirit which is manifested in movement and thought.
Earth should rule Capricorn [2]. It is the home of Human, the place where his seeds will grow, the place where his actions will make sense. Capricorn represents the time of winter where living conditions challenge us. Our planet is a magical world. Earth gives Human the power and the resources needed to be fulfilled in the cosmos. For us, power begins on Earth, without it we do not exist. From as far back as knowledge goes, Earth appears to be the only planet that has nurtured a curious intelligence capable of crossing the entire solar system to understand its existence! The etheric force of our planet is one of our greatest resources for health and happiness. The force of the Earth can protect us from planetary influxes or overpower us to be even more open to positive influences. The power of the Earth as ruler of Capricorn will be integrated into your mastery of the stars through the influence of Saturn and its position in your natal chart. At the same time that Saturn becomes the ruler of Libra, a new understanding emerges in the functions of Capricorn's time. This is the time when humans must have confidence in their harvest, a time when they realize that their efforts for the common good are the true foundations of society. It is then that Human must balance his inner world and his outside world to establish a harmonious current that will sustain him during hard times and that will help him regain his momentum to begin a new cycle when spring arrives. »
[1] I use this term (human mass) to indicate all the elements that make us human; our soul, our mind, our body and our individuality; plus the reality that we must live with others just like us and form a true mass. Therefore Human rules over Virgo.
[2] In the birth chart, the Nadir represents our position on Earth at the time of birth and is ruled by Cancer and the Moon. Earth as master of Capricorn wants to position itself in the celestial trajectory as an active participant in the evolution of the solar system. From our relativity Earth becomes ruler of the Midheaven and with the Moon forms a pair whose collaboration is crucial to our life.
Sun in Pisces 4 degrees quintile Jupiter in Sagittarius 21 degrees on February 23, 2019 Left / Sun 16 degrees Taurus Biquintile Jupiter in Sagittarius 23 degrees May 6, 2019 Right. The study on the right is from the series Emerge Art does Google © Lena Ghio, 2019. The top articles on Google that day were scrolled through in the background on my tablet. There was an article on the future of biodiversity in the background of the image on the right. The emergence there appears to have many faces coming out from the top of the head but also appears to be shooting up like a spring. Is it telling me how life manifests in such diverse forms? To find out more about the genesis of the image on the left check here. © Lena Ghio, 2019
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A closer look at the formations manifesting under the quintile and bi-quintile to Jupiter in Sagittarius illustrates the similar features and movement by the emerging form through some type of membrane. The form on the right, a close-up of the same photo as the opening picture on top, was processed differently than the top one. I applied the Photoshop feature Poster Edge 20% to underline the features. It appears to be shooting up from the center of the bowl like it is coming out of a body of water whereas the form on the left seems to want to pierce through a wall far left, perhaps from another dimension. © Lena Ghio, 2019
The accompanying Emerge Arts show the essential truth about the Alignment Geometries of Celestial Mechanics, they create repeating motifs. This knowledge is very ancient and is at the root of both magic and religious rituals. Because modern man was battered into ignoring our dialogue with nature, this connection and meaning is now a corrupted mess. It is still a truth we must relearn as we aim to heal our planet, ourselves and especially our children.
Alignment Geometries of Celestial Mechanics to work with
Now Jupiter in Sagittarius is retrograde. This means Jupiter will roll over the same positions it was in as the above Emerge Arts were photographed. Hypothetically what was cultivated so far with the advancing Jupiter transit will be revised, refined and strengthened as It rolls backward then moves forward again. The aspects I focus on for this series is the quintile, 72 degrees between 2 objects; and the biquintile. 144 degrees between two objects. These aspects allow the human will to operate strongly, to have an impact on its environment. The times are given for Oka Quebec. Please check astro.com for the time in your area.
26 May 2019 at noon: Moon Pisces, Venus Taurus, Jupiter Sagittarius - will ignite the alignment of 23 February 2019. The Moon will conjunct the Sun of 23 February 2019 and Jupiter conjunct Jupiter with Venus biquintile Jupiter. This last aspect between Venus and Jupiter will be strong until 28 May 2019.
At midnight June 19 2019 the Moon in Capricorn will conjunct Saturn and both will be biquintile Venus. Action must begin at this time. Serious artistic work can be accomplished if even a quick sketch is drawn at that time. All day June 19 2019 Mercury in Cancer is biquintile Jupiter r / after 6:10 PM EDT Mercury conjunct Mars will also biquintile Jupiter. REMEMBER action must begin at midnight EDT as Moon conjunct Saturn Biquintile Venus that rules art.
July 13 2019 Moon conjunct Jupiter Biquintile Sun in Cancer 4:00 PM EDT There is a harsh angle with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn but we DO have harsh issues to deal with when it come to the future of our climate. Human beings come in all kinds, and clearly not all people are even motivated to take positive actions to improve climate change. Sun biquintile Jupiter all day July 14 2019-
Jupiter turns direct 11 august 2019 9:37 AM EST and will begin his forward roll activating everything you will create during the above transits.
Remember that famous Einstein quote: " Imagination is more important than knowledge. "
Emerge Art proves that our creative actions affect nature. Our creative actions connect us with the Spirit of nature, awaken Its will to heal.
If you investigate the background of the Art Challenge you will see how the basic art I used in the beginning is fleshing out. Please share your experiments and results in this comment section or on the attached social media pages. For background info on the Art Challenge go here: https://thelenaghioparadox.blogspot.com/2019/03/how-to-master-stars-healing-nature.html
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