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Spirit checks-in, © Lena Ghio 2019 |
• To review of the basis of the challenge, go to this link.
• The above image was taken on February 23, 2019. It had been more than 5 months since I had done an Emerge Art study. I am getting more precise about how to photograph the best jumps the elements take in water to create images we can relate to but that are beyond refraction. I was happy to spot a few jumps in the last series of photos I took. There is a jump on the left but I will let you spot it. The point is that Emerge Art proves that our interactions with nature, with our environment, have an effect on it. I have demonstrated over and over that water reacts to art in particular.
• The above image was taken on February 23, 2019. It had been more than 5 months since I had done an Emerge Art study. I am getting more precise about how to photograph the best jumps the elements take in water to create images we can relate to but that are beyond refraction. I was happy to spot a few jumps in the last series of photos I took. There is a jump on the left but I will let you spot it. The point is that Emerge Art proves that our interactions with nature, with our environment, have an effect on it. I have demonstrated over and over that water reacts to art in particular.
• What I am sharing in this article is the way art collaborates to the creation of our perceived world and helps us make discoveries from elements that appear unrelated. When I made exhibition proposals I would always explain that I use art to integrate knowledge that I would otherwise be overwhelmed by. Not that curators cared about my approach, its just that now I understand that I was on the right path for me regardless of the constraints of my cultural environment. The drawing below was done at an amazing crossroad between what had happened and what was to come. I had just successfully proved twice that the Alignment Geometry of Celestial Mechanics could give clouds human features. On the eve of doing this drawing I had observed clouds making huge human heads in the east and the clear head of a dragon in the west. It was approaching sunset in late summer so the sky was in magnificent shades of pastel colors. Venus and Mars in Libra were trine Neptune in Aquarius on the eve of the approaching New Moon in Virgo. I began the drawing at 6:31 am EDT on September the 8th 2010 in Montreal and integrated to my consciousness what I had learned. At that time I had not realized that the symbols I saw in the clouds would become symbols that would manifest in Emerge Art where a different type of physics is at work.
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Untitled, © Lena Ghio 2010 |
• As the above drawing illustrates, we connect with gravity by taking action. The act of lighting a candle is apparently enjoyable to gravity as it is recognized as a force that bends light. It is also the E of E = MC 2. We all experience in one form or another, a connection to the forces of the world and hidden mysteries. The trick is to bring down to our level of phenomenology the intent we imagine there to where our tangible world can be enhanced long term by these fast moving configurations.
• NOW the moment to look forward to is March 11 2019! The Moon in Taurus, her sign of exaltation, will conjunct Mars, the planet of action, with Uranus now in Taurus in mutual reception with Venus in Aquarius, the visionary and the practical combine. The Moon and Mars conjunction will also Biquintile Jupiter in Sagittarius while sextile Neptune in Pisces. To add strength to this already extraordinary configuration, Saturn in Capricorn is trine the conjunction with Pluto who is also sextile the Sun in Pisces! What am I saying?
• If you are concerned about the environment and climate change AND love to do art, whatever discipline, you can align a creative act with the Alignment Geometries of Celestial Mechanics occurring on March 11 2019. and create a solution. What you create will engage gravity who loves loves loves to repeat patterns. If you live in North America, the motion's strength begin to grow at sunrise and is most powerful until noon with the exact hit at 11:26 AM EDT on the east coast. I will be doing drawings that I will share and discuss later. You are welcome to share your art and experiences on the links below. Check Astro.com for the precise time in your town.
• I recommend you envision the healing benefit flowing in you, to you, and out of you to regenerate the whole of nature. Stay tuned for next installment.
• I recommend you envision the healing benefit flowing in you, to you, and out of you to regenerate the whole of nature. Stay tuned for next installment.
• Look up page 2 to get the gist of the challenge I have invited the world to take that involves the power of art. I hope you tune in and share your experiences on this Facebook Page.
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