To support my article I have chosen this August 2019 Emerge Art. I had a lot of questioning about why I could photograph the extraordinary manifestations on which I built Emerge Art. So on that gorgeous August day I wanted to see if I could get a response about how we, humanity, could deal with the climate crisis. The most extraordinary sequence I got was the one I sampled above. Unless you make yourself hysterically blind out of prejudice you will make out the portrait of an older lady, in front of a small house, wearing a big hat with flowers coming out of it. For months I wondered what on earth water was trying to tell me. In late October 2019, I had to find an apartment asap! I didn't even know where to start to find a place I could afford as quickly as I needed to. One of my girlfriends asked me if I wanted to see the space that was being repaired by a family she knew. She showed me a picture of a tiny older lady in front of her small house and informed me that this was Dona Julia, the owner of the house that had a basement apartment to rent. I knew immediately that this was going to be my space for a while. Dona Julia is an avid gardener who works relentlessly on her vegetable garden in the backyard and her flower garden in the front yard. When I come out of my apartment in the summer, she is there watering and pruning her gorgeous flowers. She has been like a gardian Angel for me from day one. If you put the scrying phenomena plus the reality of Dona Julia together as a reply as to how we can overcome the climate crisis, the answer is clear: WE MUST TAKE CARE OF OUR GARDEN RELENTLESSLY! Old Lady with Flowers © LENA GHIO , 2019 |
FRANÇAIS app de traduction à gauche
What do WIKIPEDIA, Science and Religion get wrong about scrying? They can't update the information Because they are narcissists who can't let go of their world view.
When I tried to share what I discovered about scrying with WIKIPEDIA with Emerge Art to show that scrying is an objective natural phenomena that could be documented, this is what WIKIPEDIA replied:
« That said, the websites you link to would not be considered reliable sources on Wikipedia, and content based on them would likely be removed. See <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:RS> for the kinds of sources we are looking for. Unless newspapers or art magazines have written about your art in some detail, your personal blog is a better venue for you to write about it than Wikipedia. »
Emerge Art has a lot of information in its images. When you tilt your head slightly to the right, you will observe a young man instead of the Old Lady. She lives above me with one of her sons. Old Lady with Flowers © LENA GHIO , 2019 |
WIKIPEDIA begins its article on scrying by describing it as "imagined or believed" phenomena. The article makes the difference between scrying and augury as the latter depending on "objectively observable objects".
Emerge Art, my now 10 years old practice of using Forensic Photoshop to polish scrying images I successfully photographed, PROVES that the visionary phenomena IS "objectively observable". That is because digital photography commits to its digital memory details that traditional photography could not. Traditional photography captures surfaces while digital photography captures information.
My work PROVES, therefore can lead to SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, that scrying does NOT depend on clairvoyance per se, nor does it depend on trance states or any other psychic predisposition. It is a living phenomena that happens when water reacts to it's environment.
In its page, WIKIPEDIA decided that no one can address what scrying is. Yet they added in their article, since I proposed they add my research in the article, that people can do scrying with their smart phone.
WIKIPEDIA says about the choice of media employed to scry "there is neither any systematic body of empirical support for any [ choice of media / source of visions ] such views in general however, nor for their respective rival merits; individual preferences in such matter are arbitrary." I will argue that the glass bowl of water has proven very successful. The structural motions of water plus the capacity of light to transmit information has created the most astonishing images I have taken.
Emerge Art has provided abundant "systematic empirical support" for the FACT that there is a visual language, autonomous and personal, between water light and us. It demonstrates consciousness and sentience from what scientists have determined were inert elements.
Skeptics about scrying, like scientists, are suffering from their biased world view even if is totally false. What else is new?
SCIENCE is built upon thousands of years of observations and experiment. Proudly, in universities around the world, scientists and professors claim this IS the scientific method. Yet, they reject the results I got using the exact methodologies they apply to their work because it contradicts the claims on which their reputations are built. I have used the steps that traditionally led to the formulation of scientific methodology. Science MUST acknowledge scrying because it is real!
Me: why did our ancestors use scrying?
ChatGBT: " Scrying, the practice of gazing into a reflective or translucent surface to gain insight or knowledge, has been used for thousands of years by different cultures around the world for various purposes.
In many cases, scrying was used as a divination tool, to gain insights into the future or receive messages from spirits or other realms. It was also used as a means of connecting with the divine, accessing higher states of consciousness, and achieving spiritual growth and enlightenment.
In some cultures, scrying was also used for practical purposes such as finding lost objects, identifying criminals, or diagnosing illnesses. Overall, scrying was seen as a way to access hidden knowledge and insights beyond the scope of normal perception, and to gain a deeper understanding of the world and our place in it. "
Our ancestors experienced scrying regularly. Religions could not allow that because of fear in some cases and domination in other cases. Some religious leaders were dictatorial mansplainers, mafia overlords who charged people money to access God. They dominated the minds of people by not allowing them to challenge what they were told. For now, we have a moment of freedom to explore the heritage common sense tyrants have robbed from us. Marsilio Ficino intuitively expressed what we can observe Emerge Art to be:
"The universe that emanates from God constitutes a hierarchy in which each being has its place according to its degree of perfection, a hierarchy descending..."
The image below manifested on day 1. The study above manifested on day 2. I cannot explain where this lady came from, but the image is very prophetic.
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