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Mastering the Stars & Magic p.1
• Magic has been much maligned during the last 2 millenniums by the institutions that have shaped our evolving societies whether religious, educational or political. It has been made a sin by religions, a crime by the legal system and a mockery by the educational system with the growth of scientific inquiry. Humanity possesses an ethos that transcends all cultures and that is the impetus to power struggles between individuals and groups of individuals. I blame this for the bad reputation that magic has received in the past. Taking down individuals suspected of practicing magic was just one of many ways to eliminate competition. To be fair people did unusual things to tap into the wells of available magical forces. Fundamentally, magic is the capacity to utilize the E energy of our being and of nature to affect outcomes, to gain knowledge or inspiration.
• Astrology was soon married to magic in the ancient past because it was easier then to witness the clear relationship between planetary alignments and manifestations on Earth, in nature and in human life. Part of that was where civilizations who studied the stars lived. They lived in places where they could see the night sky without obstruction. In the middle ages alchemists tried to harness the mysterious power of the stars to transform base metals into gold. They failed because they did not know about
gravity or understand how slowly it operates to clump particles into new compounds. I discovered it was
gravity that created the phenomena they saw during astrological aspects through
my various experiments like the mysterious face appearing in the clouds in front of the Sun below.
For more details go HERE |
• Everyone of us has a magical potential that we can use to affect outcomes in our lives. This is a simple law of physics,
E = MC 2. No matter where you are at this time in your life you can use your will power to begin a new life. What I have learned, that you probably heard of already because of all the gurus and authors out there, is that you need very little to operate magic, a pen and paper is sufficient. No need to sacrifice sheeps or babies, no need to dance naked under the moonlight unless you really want to. That is because all you need is to focus your attention on what you want and take action. Action stirs energy and sends this energy into the direction you intend. Eventually, energy becomes matter or phenomena.
• On the left, a perfect example of how our technology can reveal hidden features of the world around us. This image was taken October 16 2009. It is the first of 3 photographs that illustrate the effect of Alignment Geometries of Celestial Mechanics on a mass of water particle aka clouds. The palest image is the original photographs while the darker ones have been filtered in Photoshop.
•There is magic in the air in 2019 and it is expressed by 3 exact sextiles of Saturn in Capricorn to Neptune in Pisces.
Saturn in Capricorn is the most relevant aspect for modern societies because it signifies a very realistic down to earth approach to life. Neptune in Pisces signifies our power to visualize, to create artistically, to dream lofty dreams. With a beneficial aspect like the sextile there is the power to make our highest aspirations realities.
The last time Saturn and Neptune were this friendly was in 2013 with a truly magical grand trine configuration completed by Jupiter exalted in Cancer. In my life it was the beginning of Emerge Art, a very intriguing research on the language of water.
Photo taken July 27 2013 |
-January 31 2019
-June 18 2019
-November 8 2019
• While the above dates are exact and basically the most potent, the effect of the alignment will be active all year long. It is active right now at this approaching
New Moon in Capricorn!
• I will use these dates to focus my attention on the restructuring of my life that has been uprooted in 2018. I will continue what I began with the exquisite
Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius that concluded 2018, I will use art. I will also use pen and paper to write about how the restructuring of my life will look like, what benefits will manifest, what skills I will develop. If you feel you are so down and out that you can't even begin the process, write about how you have the power to create a strong will, that you do possess will power and that you will affect your whole life for the better starting right now. In no time you will attract elements to support your burgeoning will. Once you feel that inner force, tackle your next desire.