Monday, November 28, 2022

Jean-Claude Poitras • 50 ans de carrière • Galerie Québécor 21 novembre 2022 > 28 février 2023


Vous pouvez reconnaître Jean-Claude Poitras un créateur pluridisciplinaire entouré d'ami(e)s et de collaborateurs qui portent des vêtements de sa collection de mode. Photo © Lena Ghio , 2022

Un magnifique design
Jean-Claude Poitras 
Photo © Lena Ghio , 2022
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Jean-Claude Poitras célèbre 50 ans de carrière en 2022. Pour souligner cet achèvement extraordinaire, Québecor a invité le créateur a réalisé une exposition dans sa Galerie Espace Musée située au rez-de-chaussée de son nouvel édifice.

Lors du vernissage, le créateur était très ému et le tout Montréal s'est rendu à l'exposition pour lui rendre hommage. Il a oeuvré dans tellement de domaine allant de la couture à l'art à la création de délices culinaires. 

L'exposition présente ses croquis, ses toiles multimédias, ses designs de haute couture et plus. Quel bel achèvement!

La visite est gratuite et si vous cherchez une idée cadeau pour Noël vous serez ravi(e)s de savoir que vous pouvez acquérir une oeuvre sur le site où commander une de ses création de haute couture!

Tous les détails sont à la Galerie Espace Musée a située au 612 rue Saint-Jacques à Montréal.


Quelques ami(e)s de Jean-Claude Poitras de gauche à droite: Denis Gagnon, designer, Corinne Asseral, directrice Galerie 203, l'éternelle Patsy Gallant et une amie. Photo © Lena Ghio , 2022


FRANÇAIS app de traduction à gauche

Korean cinema is impressing me more and more by the use of intriguing and surprising structures of action within the overall action of the movie.

This story is about a disgruntled scientists who perpetrates a biological terrorist attack on a plane heading for Hawaii. From the beginning the cast of characters is introduced to us by entangling brief encounters. 

The result of the cat and mouse way of revealing the dangers to be faced by the characters is very effective and the build up of tension very rhythmic taking us from one tension filled situation to the next to the most dangerous place of all, inside the plane.

One of the stars is Song Kang-Ho who made a name for himself in North America with his role the Academy Award winning film Parasite

The film is written and directed by Han Jae-rim who is himself a well recognized filmmaker.

This exciting action thriller hits Digital, Blu-ray & DVD November 29.  


Thursday, November 24, 2022

Raymonde April Traversée • 1700 LA POSTE • jusqu'au 18 décembre 2022

Raymonde April avec Autoportrait à la porte de l'atelier, 1981 •  Photo © Lena Ghio , 2022

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Quel plaisir de passer un moment en compagnie de Raymonde April, artiste en art visuel qui explore la photographie depuis toujours. C'est elle-même qui a choisi les oeuvres présentées. On suit son parcours depuis sa jeunesse, jusqu'au Indes et à aujourd'hui. 

On remarque deux éléments de sa méthode de travail. Le premier concerne les images qu'elle capture sur le vif quand elle voit une scène qu'elle trouve méritoire. Un example de cette approche est Nouvelle amie, 26 janvier 2019, une image où on voit un oiseau devant une fenêtre alors qu'il regarde la ville. et la mise en scène qui devient expressive d'un contenu intérieur. Sa deuxième approche est bien illustrée par l'oeuvre derrière elle dans la photo de l'entête Autoportrait à la porte de l'atelier, 1981.

Ce qui m'a fascinée dans le parcours de cette exposition au 1700 La Poste c'est comment les images et les récits m'étaient familiers, comme si l'artiste était un membre de ma famille et qu'on partageait des souvenirs de nos vies. En effet on voit des images de ses ami(e)s, de ses amants, de ses espaces privés et cela nous ressemble.

Raymonde April présente certaines de ses photos de façon originale. Dans le "coffre-fort" elle présente Brasier, Mazgaon, 22 janvier 2013 qui est constituer de 22 impressions au jet d'encre sur Tyvek qui sont installées sur une table et qu'on regarde comme un livre immense.

Dans le sous-sol on peut voir un film de 38 minutes réalisé par Bruno Bouliane dans lequel l'artiste nous raconte qui elle est, son parcours, les lieux où elle a vécue. ICI, deux capsules vidéos qui vous donneront un sens de deux dames,  Raymonde April et Isabelle de Mévius, fondatrice de 1700 La Poste , qui se sont unies pour parler de l'art. 

« Raymonde April : traversée »

  • Du 7 octobre au 18 décembre 2022
  • Entrée libre
  • Du mercredi au dimanche
  • De 11 h à 18 h
  • 1700 La Poste
  • 1700, rue Notre-Dame Ouest
  • Montréal (Québec) H3J 1M3


Raymonde April présente son travail.  Photo © Lena Ghio , 2022

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

CINÉMANIA 2022 • LE PALMARÈS • 28e édition


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Un festival très glamour cette année avec tellement d'événements magnifiques! Les films étaient si bons et proposaient des sujets et des approches si innovatrices que je n'ai pas, comme d'habitude, réussi à tout les voir. Voici le palmarès:



Le Jury Compétition Visages de la Francophonie était co-présidé par Pascale Bussières (actrice) et Cédric Klapisch (réalisateur). Pascale Arbillot (actrice),Monique Simard (présidente du C.A. du Partenariat du Quartier des Spectacles), Ricardo Trogi (réalisateur), Nour Belkhiria (actrice) et Philippe Besson(écrivain) ont composé ce Jury. 


Prix du Meilleur Film TV5 Québec-Canada


Remis au meilleur film de la compétition




Prix du Jury


Remis au coup de coeur du Jury pour souligner l’originalité d’une oeuvre


CLOSE de Lukas Dhont

Prix de la Meilleure Interprétation


Remis à un.e artiste pour souligner la qualité de sa performance de jeu dans une oeuvre


LE LYCÉEN de Christophe Honoré pour Paul Kircher

Mention Spéciale du Prix du Jury


DIVERTIMENTO de Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar




Le Jury Compétition Films du Québec était composé de Alexis Juncosa (directeur artistique du Luxembourg City Film Festival), Fabienne Moris (directrice du FIDLab FIDMarseille), Hector Mas (directeur général du Festival Ull Nu) et Sophie Mirouze (co-déléguée générale du Festival La Rochelle Cinéma).


Prix du Rayonnement Banque Nationale


Remis au meilleur film de la compétition


RESPIRE d’Onur Karaman


Prix de la Meilleure Interprétation d’un film québécois


Remis à un.e artiste pour souligner la qualité de sa performance de jeu dans une oeuvre


L’ORIGINE DU MAL de Sébastien Marnier pour Laure Calamy


Mention Spéciale du Prix du Jury


AU GRAND JOUR d’Emmanuel Tardif




Le jury Compétition Documentaires était composé de Giusse Dembault Lalois (productrice associée BKE), Jordan Cohen (directeur de la production Ubisoft Film et Television Europe), et d’Alicia et Anaïs Poirier N’Diaye (responsables de la distribution chez Les Films 26).


Prix du Meilleur Documentaire Planète+


Remis au meilleur film de la compétition


NOUS, ÉTUDIANTS! de Rafiki Fariala




Le jury Compétition Courts-Métrages était composé de Franck Finance-Madureira (rédacteur en chef de FrenchMania et président-fondateur de la Queer Palm du Festival de Cannes), Julie Bernier (directrice de la programmation du Carrousel international du film de Rimouski), Justine Valtier (directrice générale du Festival Regard) et de Shelagh Rowan-Legg (critique et conseillère ScreenAnarchy, membre de l’AQCC).


Prix de la Critique AQCC - Nespresso


NUIT BLONDE de Gabrielle Demers


Prix du Meilleur Court-Métrage Québécois Télé-Québec


LA MAIN GAUCHE de Maxime Robin




Remis au film préféré du public parmi tous les titres présentés en première (exceptés les films d’ouverture et de clôture)


CLOSE de Lukas Dhont


Wednesday, November 16, 2022

THE COVENANT @ Segal Centre Studio until December 03 2022

Jonathan Silver as Peter with Holly Gauthier-Frankel as Hilde in The Covenant

FRANÇAIS app de traduction à gauche

The story unfolds at Terezin ghetto-camp in 1944. Peter and Hilde open the play as they talk with God, questioning why they have been plunged in the devastating waking nightmare that were concentration camps during World War II.

The NAZIs wanted to have the prisoners decorate Terezin ghetto-camp  for an official Red Cross visit that would whitewash their reputation and the growing awareness of what the Germans were really doing to millions of deportees. 

A difficult play about an ongoing threat to Jewish communities. Seats encircle a bare stage where clothes hanging in the back serve as both prop support and the continuing disappearance of ordinary Jews from the concentration camp. The NAZIs thought that sending thousands of Jews to Auschwitz Terezin would look better. 

You will see a love story. the role of art in desperate times, inexpressible loss, pure evil, death and how Jews tried to keep connected with God while traversing hell. It is a heartbreaking story about an ongoing evil that must end NOW!

The play was written by Alice Abracen, directed by Murdoch Schon and stars Holly Gauthier-Frankel, Laura Mitchell, Romi Shraiter, Jonathan Silver and Brett Watson. See here for all details and to buy tickets.

In this short video you will see the origins of antisemitism and in this one, what is happening now. 


Facades for the International Commission by Bedrich Fritta

This illustration by Bedrich Fritta, a prisoner at Terezín, depicts the “beautification” of the ghetto-camp undertaken by the SS before the Red Cross visit in 1944.

© Thomas Fritta-Haas, long-term loan to the Jewish Museum Berlin, photo: Jens Ziehe

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Announcing the METAs Recipients for the 2021-22 season


Quebec Drama Federation
Photo by Andrée Lanthier
Announcing the METAs Recipients for the 2021-22 season

Montreal, November 8th, 2022 - The Montreal English Theatre Awards Committee is proud to announce the recipients of the 2021-22 METAs, Montreal English theatre’s largest and most important peer-juried awards. The Annual METAs Ceremony, presented in partnership with the Conseil des arts de Montréal, was held this Sunday evening, November 6th at the Gesù.

This season continued to be unprecedented due to COVID-19 and the slow reopening of theatre venues and capacity limitations. Despite this, 27 productions were registered for the METAs during the 2021-2022 season. The METAs Jury has selected a robust 67 nominations, and has awarded 16 trophies at the Ceremony.

The Ceremony was directed by Debbie Friedmann, written by Holly Gauthier Frankel and Paul Van Dyck, hosted by Darragh Mondoux and Dakota Jamal Wellman with sound design by HeatherEllen Strain and lighting design by Chris Wardell.

This year, the METAs Committee awarded the Quebec Drama Federation with a special recognition for their sizable contribution towards the community throughout the pandemic. This special award was aptly named Outstanding Service to the Community During a Pandemic. Throughout the pandemic, the Montreal English theatre community relied on them for weekly updates and information-blasts about the newest health and safety restrictions, new grant opportunities, or virtual community hang-outs. This organization helped to keep us hopeful that we would one day be back onstage. 

And the META goes to…

(Recipients highlighted in Red Font)


  • Feather Gardens - Jimmy Blais, Bruce Dinsmore, Cary Lawrence, Jeremy Proulx

  • Jonathan: A Seagull Parable - Prince Amponsah, Yousef Kadoura, Julie Tamiko Manning, Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli, Marilyn Perrault, Lesly Velazquez

  • Legacy - Alarey Alsip, Marc Camacho, Toni Ellwand, Lisa Palmieri, Adam Recine, Vittorio Rossi, Sara Scarfo, Paul Van Dyck

  • The Paper Bag Princess - Kaeleb Gartner, Maria Jimenez, Hilary Wheeler


  • Jake Cohen - Next to Normal

  • Noelle Hannibal - Carrie: The Musical

  • Maya Lewis - Carrie: The Musical


  • Dominique LeBlanc - April Fools

  • Jamie McRoberts - April Fools

  • Richard Jutras - From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea


  • Anana Rydvald - The Sighlence of Sky

  • Mary-Francis Kobelt - Carrie: The Musical

  • Mohsen El Gharbi - Omi Mouna


  • Daniel Brochu - Every Brilliant Thing

  • Jenny Brizard - Pipeline

  • Leni Parker - The Blonde, The Brunette, & The Vengeful Redhead

  • Oliver Koomsatira - Psycho 6


  • Grégory Yves - Pipeline

  • Jake Cohen - Next to Normal

  • Maria Jimenez - The Paper Bag Princess

  • Mary-Francis Kobelt - Carrie: The Musical

  • Maya Lewis - Carrie: The Musical


  • James Lavoie - All I Want for Christmas

  • Julie Fox - A Play for the Living in a Time of Extinction

  • Sabrina Miller - From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea

  • Tiffanie Boffa & Cédric Delorme-Bouchard - Heartbeat Reverie


  • James Lavoie - All I Want for Christmas

  • Sabrina Miller - From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea

  • Sophie El Assaad - Heartbeat Reverie

  • Sophie El Assaad - Jonathan: A Seagull Parable

  • Sophie El Assaad - The Future is Another Country


  • Lucie Bazzo - Okinum

  • Paul Chambers - A Play for the Living in a Time of Extinction

  • Tiffanie Boffa & Cédric Delorme-Bouchard - Heartbeat Reverie

  • Tim Rodrigues - From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea


  • Evan Stepanian (Sound Design) & Violette Kay (Composition) - From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea

  • Jackie Gallant - Okinum

  • Joseph Browne - Heartbeat Reverie

  • Joseph Browne & Rob Denton - Camille: The Story


  • Aurora Torok (Technical Direction) - Heartbeat Reverie

  • Oliver Koomsatira & Liz Valdez (Choreography) - Psycho 6

  • Émilie Monnet (Translation) - Okinum

  • Emlyn vanBruinswaardt (Stage Management) - Heartbeat Reverie

  • Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli (Choreography) - Jonathan: A Seagull Parable


  • Christine Lee (Sound Design) - Psycho 6

  • Contact Theatre (Producing Company) - Next to Normal

  • Debbie Friedmann (Directing) - Next to Normal

  • Hailey Verbonac (Lighting and Video Design) - Feather Gardens

  • Violette Kay (Composer) - From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea


  • Audrey-Anne Bouchard - Camille: The Story

  • Dean Patrick Fleming - Every Brilliant Thing

  • Émilie Monnet, Emma Tibaldo & Sarah Williams - Okinum

  • Jeremy Michael Segal & Véa - Heartbeat Reverie

  • Zach Fraser - The Sighlence of Sky


  • Anana Rydvald - The Sighlence of Sky

  • Jimmy Blais - Feather Gardens

  • Gabe Maharjan - From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea

  • Oliver Koomsatira - Psycho 6

  • Vittorio Rossi - Legacy


  • Camille: The Story - Audrey-Anne Bouchard

  • Legacy - Magjusjen Entertainment

  • The Sighlence of Sky - Level 4 Theatre


  • Every Brilliant Thing - Hudson Village Theatre & The Segal Centre for Performing Arts

  • Feather Gardens - Hudson Village Theatre

  • From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea - Geordie Theatre

  • Heartbeat Reverie - Youtheatre

  • Okinum - Imago Theatre & Onishka

Strange Similarities : President Donald Trump & Emperor Nero

Nero by Peter Paul Ruben

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I have been a student of astrology for decades. I don't study the stars just from astrology books but also by studying the lives of famous people. This gives me insights into how people use the energy that comes at them as opposed to simply project a definition. 

As I was getting ready to share what I found out about how the stars gave similar traits to both Nero and Donald Trump, I discovered that Nancy Pelosi had already compared the two leaders who somehow had no qualms about letting the people they were responsible for suffer in a March 29, 2020 article.

The difference is that I will now point to an astrological signature that the two men share. Mercury house 11, semi-square the Midheaven. The semi-square brings frustrations in a person's life. Certainly the two men have had their obstacles, the question is How did they handle it?

Donald Trump

Historians now say that Nero did not really play the fiddle while Rome was burning from Jul 18, 64 AD to Jul 23, 64 AD. When it comes to Donald Trump, many testimonies confirm that he was watching Fox news with glee on January 6 2021. What we know for sure about the two men and the two tragic events is that they used them for political propaganda. 

"According to a well-known expression, Rome's emperor at the time, the decadent and unpopular Nero, “fiddled while Rome burned.” The expression has a double meaning: Not only did Nero play music while his people suffered, but he was an ineffectual leader in a time of crisis." From History 

Nero facing political disaster escaped Rome and "tried" to commit suicide by goading the few loyalists that remained to kill him. I don't expect such drama to happen to Donald Trump but we have observed through the years how he is often his own worst enemy. In the end of their rise to power and their bizarre neglectful rulership, they were both hounded by the lawmen of their countries. They both have unreliable friends, but then they are treacherous themselves.

Astrologically, there is another strange similarity: Nero has Sun, Mercury and Pluto at 23' Sagittarius Sabian symbol while Donald Trump has Sun 23' Gemini Sabian symbol exactly opposite Nero's Sun; Donald Trump's Full Moon in Sagittarius is approaching a conjunction to Nero's triple conjunction in Sagittarius while Donald Trumps's North node is conjunct his Sun, the North Node represents the present time, and Nero's Sun is conjunct Donald Trump's South Node which represents the past including past lives. This means that Donald Trump is a mirror of Nero. Nancy Pelosi sensed it without the astrological details. It is often the case that people's thoughts and words express in human language what the Alignment Geometries of Celestial Mechanics express.

My prediction for Donald Trump is that we will see less and less of him in due course.



Article dated March 29, 2020 where Nancy Pelosi compares Donald Trump to Nero.


From left to right: a friend, Aubrey Powell, (Po) curator and instigator of the project, Pink Floyd creative director & collaborator since 1967/ Nick Mason, founding member and drummer of Pink Floyd and exhibition consultant for the band/ Guy Laforce, general manager of Arsenal Contemporary Art and co-producer of the exhibition/ Geneviève Borne, television presenter/ Jacob Cohl, co-producer of the exhibition.  Photo © Lena Ghio , 2022

One of the things I adored about the exhibition is that we see many examples of the group's meticulous work process. The reason this is important to me is because I always encourage people to draw their hopes and dreams even if they start with a dot. The greatest things become real when begun with a few pencil lines on paper! Photo © Lena Ghio , 2022

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What an exciting opening at  L'Arsenal Contemporary Art earlier this month! I was first impressed by the exquisite attention to details of every feature on the site. For example, when you enter, there is that big pink pig that has been the mascot of the band for decades now.  Nick Mason, a founding member of the band, said in his presentation that L'Arsenal was the perfect place to host this exhibition because of its size and structure that could accommodate the extraordinary story of this illustrious band. It is like walking from one mystical tunnel into another revelling at the discoveries that are there.

Look what is behind Nick Mason, not Geneviève Borne but ... Photo © Lena Ghio , 2022

David Gilmour in Habs sweater! 
Photo © Lena Ghio , 2022
As you travel through the space, you are wearing state of the art earphones that you don't need to adjust as you move around. That's because there is music and interviews along the way that retrace Pink Floyd's history but also the life of an entire generation. A fun 10 minutes history of the group.

As you can see from the image above every facet of the band's work has been carefully worked out to the smallest detail. This includes album covers, (+), cartoons, music videos, movie collaborations, sculptures, installations and the artifacts of each stage in the band's evolution. The visit begins in 1967 in the London underground scene, a fascinating opposition to today's "million followers" scene.

I find particular delight in seeing process work from great artists. The exhibition gives us profound insight into how the art produced by many professional collaborators merged and burst into reality. Another feature I payed attention to is the thought processes that feed the work. The band did some revolutionary work that addressed social issues, like The Wall song and full movie. Their ideas were in line with striking societal changes the results of which we are seeing in our culture today. 

The exhibition ends in a room with videos of live concerts and great music. At this point, I had to do the tour all over again and then I did it backwards. It is just amazing! Aubrey Powell, known as Po, curated the show.

PINK FLOYD Photo © Lena Ghio , 2022

Below, a 10 seconds video that illustrates the size of this formidable exhibition! The Exhibition is scheduled to run Tuesday to Sunday until December 31st 2022 at L'Arsenal Contemporary Art – 2020 William street Montreal. The experience lasts an average of 90 minutes. Give yourself several hours to visit the site. You will not regret it.