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I always loved Denzel Washington so it was quite a delight to see him perform the role of Robert McCall, a retired CIA assassin, in IMAX, in this third instalment of The Equalizer. Dakota Fanning is also part of the cast where she plays an emerging CIA agent. This is a sharp action film with scenes of great violence and gore. Viewer discretion is advised. In this film, Robert McCall finds himself mixed up in a complex financial crime that appears political involving terrorists groups. After being shot by a little boy he did not fear, he is taken to a doctor, Enzo Arisio played by Remo Girone, a kind good hearted man who informs him that their small coastal town is plagued by organized crime.
Antoine Fuqua directs this movie that the public enjoyed tremendously. The structure of the film reminded me of three big circles, three big storylines, trying to come together. At some point in the middle I wondered if this would happen. There are a few clumsy dénouements that would have made it a superior film, but I guaranty you will have a good time.
I highly recommend the IMAX experience if you ever dreamed of visiting Italy. The movie is shot on location in Sicily, Naples and along the coast. This decision by the movie makers adds a flavour to the film that is darker and different from similar action films. There is brilliant cinematography, gorgeous interior designs and art, plus that Italian elegance even in the most evil characters.
Playing now in theatres
Wesley Clark wrote, directed and played the part of Tuck, a member of a mercenary group hired to find a young girl who escaped from a secret medical facility where experiments are conducted to develop superior humans, superior soldiers.
I was curious to see this movie because the trailer looks good. The idea behind the film is excellent. Although there are worthwhile moments, the action film is plagued by filler dialogue and superfluous exchanges between the characters. There is no sense of timing or thrilling set up between the interactions of the good guys and the bad guys. That's too bad because if they could have tighten up the package it could have been exciting and innovative. This one got slaughtered by verbosity!
Available via Amazon TVOD, Vudu, AppleTV, Tubi, Google Play, YouTube Movies as of September 5, 2023.
A Documentary Film by Lin Alluna it's the story of Inuit lawyer Aaju Peter who takes her two colonizers, Canada and Denmark, to justice. It opened in Montreal at Cinéma Impérial at the 33rd International First Peoples' Festival Présence Autochtone, where Aaju Peter was present. It was part of the official competition at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year.
What human beings do to each other is unreal. As the movie unfolds, we see Aaju first in her bed, in her home, on her homeland. She has a remarkable presence and we can sense her inner strength in her grounded composure amidst the loss, the grief and humiliation. There is profound poetry in the images and dialogues with others.
There is an upcoming screening 09/13 – CBC TV Broadcast | Canada and more screenings will be announced. INFO
This documentary explores the evolution of erotic movies and books during the last decades of the last millenium. There is a narrator who plays the role of an archivist working on his typewriter, played by Michael Reed, and he puts what we are seeing into context. Producers, writers, actors speak of their work in the context of this genre that knew great popularity and is now an artefact of a bygone era. The movie creator is Anthony Penta. Release date to be announced.
PROJECTIONS EN PLEIN AIR SUR L’ESPLANADE TRANQUILLE DU QUARTIER DES SPECTACLES En préambule de sa 52e édition, qui aura lieu du 4 au 15 octobre prochain, le Festival du nouveau cinéma de Montréal (FNC)
Vendredi 1er septembre à 19h
Puis, le public sera invité à célébrer le 25e anniversaire du film UN 32 AOÛT SUR TERRE de Denis Villeneuve. Présenté dans une version restaurée par Éléphant - mémoire du cinéma québécois, le film met en vedette Pascale Bussières et Alexis Martin dans un road movie à (re)découvrir. Premier long métrage de Denis Villeneuve, ce classique du cinéma québécois revient sur grand écran, le temps d’une soirée à la belle étoile, pour le plus grand plaisir des cinéphiles.
Samedi 2 septembre à 19h
Haïti s’invite sur l’esplanade Tranquille avec la projection de KITE ZO A de Kaveh Nabatian. Récipiendaire du Prix du film pour la paix (Prix du public) lors de la dernière édition du Festival du Nouveau Cinéma, KITE ZO A est un film festif et sensoriel sur les rituels en Haïti. Véritable célébration des expressions artistiques locales, le long-métrage a été réalisé en collaboration avec des poètes, des danseurs, des musiciens, des pêcheurs, des amateurs de patins alignés et des prêtres vaudou, sur des poèmes de l'auteur haïtien Wood-Jerry Gabriel.
Dimanche 3 septembre à 19h
En clôture de l’événement, les estivaliers pourront profiter d’une projection spéciale de FUMER FAIT TOUSSER du prolifique réalisateur français Quentin Dupieux, grand habitué de la programmation du FNC. Présenté au Festival de Cannes en 2022, le film met en vedette Gilles Lellouche, Anaïs Demoustier, Vincent Lacoste, Oulaya Amamra et Adèle Exarchopoulos dans une comédie absurde et déjantée sur des justiciers anti-tabac.
Soulignons que les spectateurs pourront se procurer le Passeport illimité de la 52e édition du Festival du nouveau cinéma au tarif exceptionnel de 150$ (25% de rabais sur le tarif régulier) sur place durant l’Estival. Tarif disponible exclusivement à l’esplanade Tranquille pendant l’ouverture du site de 18h à 23h.
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