1- Taken October 3, 2023 |
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For a large portion of my life I have studied how Celestial Mechanics affects life on Earth. Although no discipline can yet recognize the import of my research, I believe it is leading to eventual proof of my equation for the Theory Of Everything:
E = MC squared
G + RF = T + S
In this equation, T = the time of Celestial Mechanics also known in popular language as The Times, [idiom. : to understand and change to fit what is now happening and accepted in the culture (or solar system)].The sequence of Emerge Art I chose for this article follow a pattern of Celestial Mechanics that manifested as a personal loss for me and the beginning of the Hamas / Israel war.
Since I have been studying the language of water with Emerge Art I have observed that Death always manifests as the loss of a mask. The figure we call the Grim Reaper also manifests and it is a face with no particular features wearing the black cloak we are familiar with.
2- Taken October 5, 2023 |
In all I took almost 400 photos of the water during the first 2 weeks of October. I followed my impulses without any organized schedule. I analyzed the images a few weeks later in early November 2023.
September 28, 2023, I receive a message from my niece that my brother,
Luigi Ghio, was in hospital since
September 27, 2023 and was in very bad shape. My brother's health has been precarious since he was twenty years old after he suffered a devastating motorcycle accident. I documented this in
Phenomene Art IV: The Fourth Dimension in 1999. In I
mage 1, I see a figure on the left with a tube going into the nose surrounded by many bags and more tubes. A familiar image in my brother's life. This was the third major crisis of his life that was punctuated with various ailments and crisis throughout. As I studied the images after
Louis was deceased I saw the duality of light and dark, a pulsating tension. On the right, there is what appears to be an opening to another world.
3- Taken October 5, 2023 |
Image 2 takes me aback. The hooded figure on the right is ominous
evoking a creature I had seen before, while the being of light on the left looks like an
Angel standing in a garden.
Image 3, reminds me of the state my brother was in when I finally saw him on
October 7, 2023. I had listened to the news and had learned about the horrific massacre in Israel by Hamas terrorists before leaving the house to go to hospital. That day was foreboding.
That last Saturday, my brother's eyes were constantly rolling into the back of his head, his chest was convulsing violently with every breath and every medical machine in existence were tied to his body. When I saw Image 3 in November, I was so sad. That was exactly how he looked that day.
•In the stars, Mars in Libra was approaching a square to Pluto in Capricorn. Mars in hard aspects to Pluto is the signature of war. In my natal horoscope, I have Mercury in Libra 29°. Mercury is the planet that represents brothers and sisters. My brother died on October 11, 2023, the day Mars had reached my Mercury.
4- Taken October 12, 2023 |
crop of 4 |
Louis wanted to live with all his heart. He had a family, two adult children he adored and a loving partner. On the morning of the 11th, they removed all the machines to verify if he could breathe on his own. When he realized he couldn't live without all the machines, he decided to be euthanized since his death was imminent anyway.
We gathered around him holding onto his hands and arms: his children, his partner, one of our brothers and myself. We said our last words as tears flowed down our faces and our lips tightened.
My brother and I were saying to Louis that he will be greeted by our deceased relatives once he crossed over, as a form of sad desperate consolation.
Finally, he was ready to receive his deadly injection. His stoic character and sharpness of mind snapped him into his last action on Earth, deciding when to die. His last words were:
" Ok! Je m'en vais au party! (Alright, I am going to the party!)"
I felt his last words were the ultimate expression of Louis's indomitable Spirit, his sense of humour shined through. He was going to meet our dearly departed on the other side.
Image 4 was taken
October 12, 2023, after
Louis had left the earthly plane. It is the first of a sequence of four. The human like figure on the left has a
Cheshire Cat smile that my brother could at times flash when he was cracking a joke. And he was so funny! In the bottom centre, we get a sense of a person moving ahead towards unknown lands.
The universal and the personal were joined for me this fall with all the horrific wars tearing human beings to shreds and Louis in the process of dying. I wanted to share the observation I made with Emerge Art that water and light NEVER forget anyone or anything.
May this insight•, this knowledge about how our consciousness transits from the material world to the spirit world, when the 70% water that holds our bodies together returns to the oceans, •bring you both solace in times of grief and courage, like Louis showed when he faced death head on.
My Sincerest Condolences to ALL the friends and families of ALL the victims of wanton violence, of war, of illnesses who are now traveling on the other side.
While exploring a computer my brother had set up for me I found the image below. This selfie was taken in the last months of his life. He would take selfies to then apply funny filters to them. I share this image with you because the quality of his smile that I connected to the above Emerge Art is evident. He had a quirky smile.
vidéos © LENA GHIO 2023
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