Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The FORCES that made Jeff Bezos a BILLIONAIRE and how YOU can tap it!

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Jeff Bezos birth chart 
Once upon a time, people observed the correspondence between events in the heavens and events occurring on Earth daily. Eventually, a new language was formed as the knowledge weened from the planets and the stars was constantly evolving. As humans gathered evidence through this process, the language of the stars, astrology, was born. 

As the centuries flew by it became clear that some humans born under specific Alignement Geometries of Celestial Mechanics (AGCM) were very fortunate while others born under different AGCM were doomed to lives of turmoil and misery. That is when humans began wanting to master the Force that flowed from the heavens. Our ancestors, for the most part, believed that the universe was made of both consciousness and matter, a perspective now being explored by modern physicists. This opinion is often validated while observing astrological mutations because we can witness a mysterious deciding hand supporting or rejecting what we wanted to accomplish. In the case study proposed here, we see a remarkable cooperation between heaven and earth that truly created GOLD from old books.

Link between science and astrology

I will deliberately use the linguistic link between science and astrology to underline the actions of the Force of gravity as it is propelled forward by AGCM and affects life on Earth. I will use the journey to success of Jeff Bezos (JB) and the mind boggling losses on the market by Facebook/Meta to make my point about what we call "good and bad luck". The difference between us and our ancestors is that we know much more about the forces of the world than they did and therefore can recognize the actions of gravity.

Amazon is inaugurated 
Science tells us that after the Big Bang gravity began clumping particles to create all that we can perceive in the material world. Gravity still affects matter by "clumping" things together or by crushing them into oblivion. From our limited and short lived human perspective we can recognize that we can interact at our level with gravity. We see this in many disciplines from rocket science to architecture to exercise programs. Astrologers observe gravity at work through the motions of the planets and stars and how they relate to events on Earth.

Building opulence

I became interested in studying JB's birth chart after seeing this very well done documentary on his life and Amazon presented on PBS. He began as an ordinary guy. I found him pleasant enough as he responds to questions with good humour, and most importantly, he is not deterred by the failures he meets along the way.

Amazon is launched
All that is observable has a beginning. With our first breath, we are stamped by the gravitational modulations of the AGCM of that moment, no longer attached to our mother's gravitational field. When JB was born (Mars exalted in Capricorn) was quintile (Jupiter in Aries) and (Neptune in Scorpio) while (Jupiter in Aries) was biquintile (Neptune in Scorpio). The Jupiter biquintile Neptune aspect is found in the birth chart of many successful individuals like JK Rowlings for example. As I researched through the years I found that many people who gained wealth had biquintiles in their birth charts. We do not have the exact time of birth for JB but certainly the planets were disposed to maximise his chances for success.  

Until he inaugurated Amazon on July 5th 1994 he had worked many jobs including as a fry cook at a McDonald's Restaurant. Significant for his evolution was the job he took at Fitel, a telecommunications start -up, where he was tasked with building a network for international trade. Our
Amazon hits the stock market
future is always hinted at. While doing his job he learned everything he needed to know to launch a business like Amazon on the then very young world wide web. 

Two important signatures mark the inauguration of  Amazon on July 5th 1994 and then the official launch  on July 16 1995 : Jupiter trine Saturn. This aspect, including Jupiter sextile Saturn, is a signature of established wealth. Not only was Jupiter trine Saturn on both days but they were in Grand trine formations. This signifies luck and ease in the ongoing project.  Grand trines create a pattern of constant ease. There are always solutions popping up. Things come easy to the person in general.

The third important date is when Amazon hit the stock market on May 15th 1997. This one is not blessed with as much ease as the first two dates. We see more squares that bring about tensions and breakdowns. Lucky for JB, Jupiter is sextile Saturn. JB explains that although the company lost a lot during the crash in the market Amazon was nonetheless doing well. Very significant.

What is Amazon teaching us about the Force?

The most exciting thing that JB's journey to wealth teaches us is that we can engage the Force of gravity to operate on our behalf during certain AGCM by grounding it through our actions and new beginnings. That persevering is essential under any circumstances even if it means adapting your plan to new conditions. For long term investments it is optimal to begin with either a sextile or trine between Jupiter and Saturn that are supported by other favourable aspects. The moment you commit is considered the beginning. The moment you sign the contract, begin to build a house, plant a garden, get married.


The birth of Meta

Facebook changed it's name to Meta in the hopes of escaping of difficulties caused by the many unethical snags abused by Facebook whether through its misuse of our personal information to the way they manipulated algorithms to keep people clicking on their platform. 

Meta was born on 28 October 2021. The (Sun in Scorpio) was approaching a square to (Saturn in Aquarius). This aspect was augmented by the (Moon in Leo) forming a Grand Cross to the square with (Uranus in Taurus) putting the kibosh on the whole project. Contrary to the Grand Trine ease, the Grand Cross brings constant struggles and losses. Saturn is well known to bring about sad events, loss, gloomy atmospheres. Through art history we see the symbols of Saturn as something very serious, no laughing matter. Words like saturnian are used to describe somber characters, places or events. 

Loss occurred when Sun conjunct Saturn on February 3rd 2022. What was begun at the square aspect of Sun and Saturn has now reached a sad collapse. The losses were estimated at 251 BILLION $

In other words, avoid entering any contracts during squares of Saturn! Even if it looks silly to ask partners to wait for better days DO IT! Squares like those illustrated in this article bring too much difficulties. This doesn't mean you don't do your du diligence. It means you pay extra attention before you sign the contract!


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